Converse County Sheriff's Office
Civil Service Department
Individuals picking up or dropping off civil service paperwork will need to go to the
Converse County Sheriff's Office located at
1201 Mesa Drive, Suite C - between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Questions or Concerns?
Civil Fees
Note: A valid Photo ID will be required
Foreclosure Fee (to be paid in advance)----------$10.00
Abandoned Vehicle Certificate of Sale------------$7.50
Sheriff’s Certificates (to be paid in advance)--$10.00
Civil Service-----------------------------------------------------$50.00 per address being served
Fingerprinting------------------------------------------------- $5.00
Concealed Firearm Applications: TO BE TURNED IN AT THE NEW SHERIFF'S OFFICE
New Application: $64 money order/cashiers check to DCI - $10 cash for Sheriff's Office processing​
Renewal: $45 money order/cashiers check to DCI - $5 cash for Sheriff's Office processing
Lapsed Renewal: $55 money order/cashiers check to DCI - $5 cash for Sheriff's Office processing
More information on Concealed Firearm applications and permits available on the Wyoming DCI website.
Local Record Check-------------------------------------------$5.00
Copy Fee and Reports---------------------------------------$.25 (per page)​​
Commission Without Sale of Property
1st $500= 2 %
2nd $500= 1%
Over $1000 = 1/2 of 1 %
Commission With Sale of Property
1st $500 = 4%
2nd $500 = 2%
Over $1000 = 1%